Savannah Cats are Not Considered Hypoallergenic
Hypoallergenic means causing fewer allergic reactions.
There is no proof to my knowledge that a Savannah cat will cause fewer allergic reactions. The severity of allergic reactions may vary for each individual. If you have an allergy to cats, please understand that a Savannah cat is a 10-20 year commitment, and they are not hypoallergenic. Please consult your primary care physician prior to purchasing if you have known or suspected allergies to cats.
Savannah Cat Litter Box Training
Your Savannah kitten will learn their proper litter training etiquette from their mother during their first 12 weeks of life and be accustomed to using the litter box when they arrive home. Your Savannah kitten will need to be in a small space such as a bathroom for their first 2 weeks in your home to get acclimated to their new environment and family. This will also allow your new kitten to learn where their litter box is in your home.
Please note that kittens can have accidents. When introducing them to your home, you will need to show them where their litter box is and use positive reinforcement to encourage them to use it. Once they are comfortable in that area of your home and consistently using their litter box, you can slowly introduce them to the rest of your home.
Savannah Cat Terminology
Explaining Savannah Cat F (Filial) Generations
F1: 1 generation away from the African Serval.
*a parent is a serval
F2: 2 generations away from the African Serval.
*a grandparent is a serval
F3: 3 generation away from the African Serval.
*a great grandparent is a serval
F4: 4 generations away from the African Serval.
*a great great grandparent is a serval
... and so on.
What does A, B, C, and SBT stand for?
A: 1 parent is a domestic outcross (not a Savannah Cat)
B: Both parents are Savannah Cats
C: All parents and grandparents are Savannah Cats
SBT: All Parents, Grandparents, and Great Grandparents are Savannah Cats
SBT (Stud Book Tradition) Savannah Cats are considered purebred and can compete in TICA cat shows. The F4 generation of Savannah Cats is the first generation that is capable of being SBT.